On a lighter note.. these people have been true angels in my life while on this whirlwind of an adventure here in Australia!

Sheri and Laura: These two girls have been fantastic! My residential college experience would not have been the same without them. While I've been blessed to have met a considerable amount of Christians in B&G, these girls have gone above and beyond to show me the love of Christ. They are so honest, considerate, and wise which just goes to prove that age is only a number maturity-wise (they're only 1st years!). We do everything together: cook dinner, bake yummy goodies, study the Bible at the B&G Bible study, walk to Crossroads for church, and get into deep, heart-felt conversations about the true things that matter in life! Thanks for being wonderful! I'm going to miss you two, but I wish you the best of luck and many blessing in your time at uni! If you're ever in the U.S., you know who to call ;)

Owen: Owen is a great man of God who is always positive, inclusive and who never tires. He's been my Bible study leader at B&G for the past 10 or so weeks while also leading the CIF group that meets every Sunday afternoon. On top of that, he's married with 4 sons! I'm not sure I'd be able to handle that many boys, good on ya! Thank you for creating an environment that I've felt comfortable enough in to call it home. It has been such a blessing to come live in a foreign country and have the family of God usher me in so welcomingly. I can't imagine being able to do this whole study abroad thing without God. Truly, He knows what I need and provided me with you. I wish you and your family many blessings and much love!

Skype: I'd like to thank the inventors and developers of skype for making the world seem a little bit smaller and a foreign country seem like home! It's been truly amazing to communicate with people from back home and the be able to see my parents! Though I cannot hug them, I look forward to the day that I'll be able to again, and skype has definitely made that wait a bajillion times more bearable! I am so thankful to live in a such a technological age!

Jimmy: Our conversations have been so delightful and insightful. Thank you for the reminders to be appreciative to those around us, those we love, and those who have helped us along the way. I wish you the best on your journeys around the world and look forward to remaining great pen pals! I always look forward to checking my mailbox anticipating the next letter, card or postcard. You've been great! And thanks for making back home seem a little more accessible by keeping me up to date and demonstrating to me how important it is to reconnect and stay in touch with old friends. See you this summer- fingers crossed!

Lauren: I love you! I love that you are my best friend and mom all in one! hahaha You have cared for me sooo well and I just don't think there is anyway I could possibly say thank you enough, let alone trying to use words. I think you are a gorgeous girl and I've really enjoyed getting to know the real Lauren. I've loved every minute we've spent together shopping at DFO, going to "Fishes", discussing how much uni work we still have to do, facebook chatting, planning our grand road trip, girl talk, getting lost in translation, pub day lunches, chilling with your cat and having dinner at your place, and even those minutes we've spent in the car at ridiculous hours of the night because you are kind enough to pick me up from the bus depot. In my mind, anyone who experiences Australia without you in the equation, isn't really experiencing Australia! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do and for just being you! Can't wait to have you visit the US in 2 years! Woo! :) xoxox

Rhiannen: It's as if we are two completely different and unique sculptures, cut from the same block. I <3 us! God definitely had it right when He put us in the same share room in the hostel 3 months ago. You have been a fantastic blessing and I love you dearly. You have made me feel so strong and at home and you've really given me the ability to open up and be myself. Thank you for not laughing, too hard, when I try to do crazy ridiculous things or say silly foreign words and phrases, but for having the patience to teach me about Maccas in Australia, an Australian grocery store, an Australian sweets game, how to use the bus system, the cool places to shop in the mall, and how to talk Aussie slang. I've laughed more with you in the last 3 months than I've laughed in a really long time. You are soo funny, witty, creative, silly, smart, confident, independent, spirited and free. You are a breath of fresh air! And you get me so simply. I couldn't ask for a better best friend ever! You've made a foreign country, home. I'm glad we could make Canberra our home together and realize that we are not alone on this wild and whacky journey. I will always thank God for you and remember you in my prayers. Can't wait til Christmas!!!! <3 xoxox

Mom: You have been my wonderwall, something solid to lean on in times of frustration and sorrow. You are constantly there for me and ready and willing to help in whatever way possible. You have "saved the day" so many times and put my feet back on solid ground. You know how to cheer me up, make me feel special, love me deeply, care for me, and make sure that everything is going to be alright. Thank you for being a voice of reason, a song of comfort and a of love when I need it. I don't know what I would do without you. I don't know how this whole trip would be possible without you. Frankly, I don't know how life would be possible without you. You're the BEST! You have been so supportive and sacrificial and selfless in this whole process. Thanks you for putting up with the awkward time difference so we can still see and talk to each other on skype. Thank you for putting up with my resquests to see the cat each time! lol Thank you for filling me in on what's happening in the world when I'm too busy and out of the loop to watch the news. Thank you for being faithful in prayer. Thank you for being my eyes, hands and feet and working out my housing fiasco while I am helpless to do anything but watch from the other side of the world. Thank you for planning a fabulous vacation to New Zealand while I threw a bit of a tantrum. Thank you for bringing all my weird food requests upon visiting. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being you! I'm so thankful for this experience and thank you for listening and letting me come. Thanks for being my mama and for being strong enough to cope with me being soooo far away from home for so long. Thank you for trusting me. I can't wait to see your bright smile and warm eyes when I get home and give you a big hug! I LOVE YOU!!!
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